My Aim In Life

...first is to honor God, His Son and those whom He sends.

To love and cherish my dear husband, children and family.

And to use the talents God has given me to create beautiful things.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Celebrating Mother's Day

Mother's Day at Applebee's
I celebrated a wonderful Mother's Day with my husband, our 5 children and their families. We went to Applebee's for supper(that's what we call the evening meal in the South) They couldn't seat us together, so I just table hopped and ate with them all...almost.
I had my appetizer with my dear husband, (hereafter known as my DH) and our middle child(second son). Then I had my steak with our youngest (I don't see her nearly enough, she'll always be my baby), her BF and our oldest grandson, who is the oldest son of our oldest daughter. : ) Follow me?
Then for dessert I ate with my oldest son's wife(the son, second oldest of all the children, had already table hopped to sit with his Dad and brother, the afore mentioned middle child). Am I confusing you? I'm getting dizzy just trying to type all of  this! LOL Also at that table was our #4 child and her DH and their adorable 8 month old baby girl. (I could eat HER up! Babies are soo precious!) The only person missing was her step-daughter. Wish she could've been with us. I missed her.♥

Our oldest daughter and her two youngest boys were at another table, but by that time I was out of courses to eat and I see her more often since they live about 200 feet down the hill from us. We've had some good mother-daughter time this past week, too. Besides, by that time she had table hopped to sit with her Dad and two brothers (no room for me). She bakes the most wonderful cakes from scratch you've ever put in your mouth. She brought an Italian Creme cake and brownies for our dessert. YUM!
I had a lot of fun and am so blessed to have children who are so loving to us and love and support each other.♥
The end. (Whew!)

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